01 May 2016

Faculty Union Success

Well. After a nail-biter of a day, this evening, NTFC Local 6546 tentatively agreed to a full contract with the UIUC administration. Further details will be disclosed to the membership tomorrow (Sunday) at a meeting where members will vote on whether to suspend the strike; ratification will take place on Thursday (corrected).

Many things can happen, of course, but it looks like we may be back to work on Monday.

Eventually, too, the drumbeat of strike chants will fade away from my brain.  But for now, variations are triumphantly and insistently resounding in my head.

Tell me what democracy looks like? THIS IS WHAT democracy looks like!
Tell me what excellence looks like? THIS IS WHAT excellence looks like!
Tell me what organizing looks like? THIS IS WHAT organizing looks like!
Tell me what leadership looks like?  THIS IS WHAT leadership looks like!
Tell me what improving higher ed looks like?  THIS IS WHAT changing higher ed looks like.
Tell me what saving the liberal arts looks like?  THIS IS WHAT saving the liberal arts looks like!
Tell me what higher ed should look like? THIS IS WHAT higher ed should look like!
Tell me what the future looks like? THIS IS WHAT the future looks like!

If we can do it, so can others.


  1. I hope the contract's a good one for all involved!

  2. I can't really walk without having N-T-F-C going through my noggin. I think this phenomenon will eventually subside but the dormancy factor just means it will be ready to go if there's a "next time." Of course, an administrator would be pretty foolish to risk that!

  3. I'm glad to know I'm not the only sufferer of chant syndrome! Just can't get it out of my head.
